Dear Parishioners,

I want to thank all of you who helped in any way, large or small, with the funeral services for Dane Carlson, the son of Kevin and Nadine Carlson. I know that your prayerful presence and acts of Christ-like service really meant a lot to Dane’s family.  Please continue to pray for Dane, and for the comfort and consolation of his family. May he rest in the peace of Christ.

We are also grateful to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped with the parish Rummage Sale! It is incredible to see the transformation of the school gym into a beautifully organized, temporary thrift store! Thank you to all of the donors, those who purchased some new-found treasures, and especially to the coordinators of the sale. We appreciate your hard work!

Lastly, I am grateful to see on the front of this bulletin that four of the open adoration hours were recently filled! That is a wonderful giving back to God of your time. When we talk about stewardship, it is not only about our treasure. It is a way of living, and being a good steward of one’s time includes a recognition that it ALL belongs to God! There are 168 hours in a week. Deciding to take one hour of Eucharistic adoration is basically offering back to God less than one percent of your total time (0.6%) for the week. It may not seem like a lot, but it is important time for our prayer life. Thank you for your stewardship of time! Only ten more open hours to go.

God bless you,


Fr. Timmerman