Sunday Mass Broadcast Listing

A video recording of this weekend’s Mass (Sat/Sun Aug. 8/9) will not be available. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Mass is available to view on television at 10:30 am Sunday on WOWT (Channel 6, Omaha) or you may view a Mass online.  The link below has a list of Catholic Churches in our area with livestream broadcasts of Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.

Sunday Mass Broadcast Listing

Become A Member of the Parish Council

A way to serve God and our parish is being on the Parish Council.  See the application form below for details.  The candidates should be dedicated to the welfare and spirituality of our Parish.  All applications must be turned in by Aug 17.  If you have any questions, contact Bill Bohan 402-297-0522 or Pat Vaughn 402-980-9086.

Parish Council Application

Building A Brighter Future for Our School

Our St. John the Baptist Catholic School Advisory Council is currently working on the next phase of the Strategic Plan. This plan will help guide us for the next five years. If you are interested in serving on a strategic planning pillar committee, please fill out the application below and return to the school office. For more information, or to download an application, please click Here.