Check Out the Progress on Our New Confessionals

Exciting News!

Progress is being made on the new confessionals for church … and they are going to be beautiful!

Many thanks to all who donated towards them, and thank you for your patience as they have taken longer to complete than was anticipated.

We are looking forward to them being in church and being used by all of us!

All Saints Day – Wednesday, November 1st

All Saints Day – Holy Day of Obligation

This Wednesday, November 1st, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church. This is a special day in which we honor the saints who point us to heaven and remind us that each one of us is called to holiness.

Please be sure to attend Mass on this holy day Wednesday. Mass times are below.

Bishop Conley invites you to take one minute of your time to watch and listen to his short All Saints Day video message for you. Click here to watch the video message.  

Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman and all the saints in heaven with God, please pray for us!


Stewardship of Prayer Campaign Results

Our “Stewardship of Prayer” campaign was held in September. The goal of this campaign was for every parishioner to renew or commit to at least one or more different activities of prayer.

We are pleased to share the results of the campaign with you. Click here to view the results from the “Stewardship of Prayer” campaign.

Our parish has a lot of very committed individuals, and when we pool our resources together (prayer, talents and treasure), we can see that many, many people are responding back to God by acknowledging and thanking Him for His goodness to us.


Become a Classroom Sponsor

Invest in the Future!

You can help provide to the needs of our St. John the Baptist students, while also helping preserve the school’s long-standing Catholic education tradition in the community. By becoming a classroom sponsor, you will be helping to bridge the financial gap between what the school collects in tuition and the actual cost to educate a student. This financial gap is $6,000 per student.

In addition to supporting the needs of our students, sponsoring a classroom is an investment in the future of our parish school and the greater community. In return for your gift, you will get to know the students in the class which your sponsorship supports.

Two sponsorship levels of $3,000 and $6,000 are available.

To see the sponsorship levels or to learn more about becoming a sponsor, click on this link.

We hope you will prayerfully consider becoming a classroom sponsor. Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Baptist.


Parish Students to Attend Steubenville Youth Conference

High school students from Lourdes Central Catholic and surrounding Lincoln Diocese parishes are attending the Steubenville Youth Conference.

Nine high school students from Plattsmouth Church of the Holy Spirit are among the group of 46 students from Lourdes Central Catholic and surrounding parishes leaving for the Steubenville Youth Conference today.

The Steubenville Mid-America (Week 1) Youth Conference is held July 7-9 in Springfield, Missouri. The theme for this year’s conference is “Refuge.” Ministry conference speakers will include Fr. Mike Schmitz, Sarah Swafford, Ennie Hickman, DJ Bernal, Kyle Huesling and Sr. Josephine Garrett.

The Steubenville Conference is a life-changing experience. Students will:

  • Experience the peace of Jesus Christ through inspiring talks, praise and worship, and the sacraments
  • Connect with hundreds of other Catholic teens
  • Return home with memories that will last a lifetime, knowing that you are never alone

Nearly 50,000 Catholic youth attend the Steubenville Youth Conferences every year.

High School students from our Parish Youth Group said Steubenville is an amazing experience. “It’s like nothing we’ve ever experienced before.”

Please pray for our youth. May the Holy Spirit open and awaken their hearts so that they may encounter the person of Jesus Christ in a new and powerful way.