Installation of 2023 PCCW Officers

Congratulations to our newly installed 2023 PCCW Officers!

Pictured from L-R: Vice President Patty Lambert; President Liz Rubin; Treasurer Marlene Haller; Secretary Velora Riese; and Fr. Timmerman


Annual Stewardship of Treasure Pledge

Stewardship is a way of life, and this week we are kicking off our annual “stewardship of treasure.” In the links below, you will find this week’s bulletin with a letter about stewardship of treasure from Fr. Timmerman, as well as a Pledge Card and Automatic Deposit Form.

bulletin 2022-11-13

2022-23 Stewardship Pledge Form


We are asking all parishioners to prayerfully fill out and return their pledge card to the parish office. Your commitment to stewardship first of all helps you to plan out and be intentional about your giving to the Church. Secondly, the pledge cards also help the parish with budgeting for the future.

The automatic deposit form is a great way to give to CHS via online giving. Some parishioners travel on the weekend, and if they miss a Mass at Holy Spirit, the church loses out on their much-needed weekly support. Some people choose to give monthly, just like many of their other automatic expenses that come out of their account. Online giving is an easy and safe way to exercise this “envelope-based” area of stewardship of treasure, and it can be planned for the entire year, helping to ensure that your intended donations get done even if you are away for a weekend or longer. If you have any questions about online giving, please contact Noni Thiesen at [email protected].

PS – If you are already giving to the church online, thank you! Would you please consider increasing that amount for the upcoming new year? Our parish family is the same as your family at home; our expenses go up every year, and your increased support helps to offset those increased expenses.


Working with God’s Holy Angels – September

You’re invited to attend a special one-hour talk on Holy Angels, followed by Q&A.

September 29th is the Feast of the Archangels, followed on Oct 2nd by the Feast of the Guardian Angels. The angels play an integral role in salvation history–and in our lives–but how often do we engage with or even acknowledge these amazing benefactors? Join us shortly after the 5:00 PM evening Mass on Saturday, September 24th, to prepare for these special feast days with a 1-hour talk on the holy angels, then Q & A. Snacks and childcare provided.


Fall Roast Beef Dinner – October 2nd

Join Church of the Holy Spirit and celebrate fall with a Roast Beef Dinner on Sunday, Oct. 2 from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the St. John’s gymnasium at 500 S. 18th St., Plattsmouth. This event is open to the community.

Dinner is $12/per adult person and $7 for children age 10 or younger. Cash or check accepted.

Dinner includes: Roast Beef, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, green beans, Dinner roll and Apple Crisp and Cobbler.

We hope you can join us!



STJB Golf Classic Sets Record for Largest Turnout

(L-R) STJB community supporter Joel Makovicka with Fr. Sean Timmerman, STJB Chief Administrative Officer, and Mike Vaughn, Tournament Chairman.

Following the four-person scramble, golfers, parishioners and school families pack the gym to enjoy a steak dinner and raffle drawings.

The tournament, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 1966, was held at Bay Hills Golf Course. Fr. Anthony Bedient’s team took first place in the tournament.

(L-R) Joy Scanlan, Fr. Anthony Bedient and Shayla Scanlan Lusso (STJB alumna) accept their 1st place award.

Our amazing volunteers from the parish and school.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this annual event such a success! Specials thanks to Mike Vaughn, Tournament Chairman; the Knights of Columbus; PCCW; and all the golfers; volunteers; sponsors; STJB alumni; friends; and community supporters who made this event possible!!

Save the date for next year’s tournament on August 5th!



Letter from Fr. Timmerman – July 24, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

Several years ago, due to the current social environment with respect to active shooter incidents in the work place, schools and places of worship, Father Houlihan asked if anyone on the Parish Council would be interested in attending a church security seminar.  We had a volunteer who attended the full day event held in west Omaha.  The seminar was quite eye opening, and it was recommended we develop our own program to look at general safety issues. It was also decided to look at some basic security measures that could be taken to enhance the procedures that were already in place. Father Houlihan made the decision to begin the CHS Safety and Security Team for our parish as well as St John the Baptist School, and as your new pastor, I have given the program my wholehearted endorsement!

Since the time of its inception, the team has grown to twelve individuals, including four police officers that belong to our parish. They are actively involved at each Saturday and Sunday Mass, and have developed several discrete measures to help proactively protect our parishioners from violent activity should it arise.  It was also determined that we need cameras outside the church to have enhanced situational awareness, while also serving as an anti-theft deterrent.  You probably remember that our maintenance shed was broken into a while back, and we lost some very expensive equipment.  We are also upgrading the security cameras for the school to help protect our teachers and students. Finally, we will be reviewing security procedures with Dr. Nina Beck, our new school Principal, administrative staff and teachers before school begins this fall.  As always feel free to contact me or my staff if you have any further questions.

God bless you,

Fr. Timmerman

Letter from Fr. Timmerman – July 17, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

I want to thank all of you who helped in any way, large or small, with the funeral services for Dane Carlson, the son of Kevin and Nadine Carlson. I know that your prayerful presence and acts of Christ-like service really meant a lot to Dane’s family.  Please continue to pray for Dane, and for the comfort and consolation of his family. May he rest in the peace of Christ.

We are also grateful to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped with the parish Rummage Sale! It is incredible to see the transformation of the school gym into a beautifully organized, temporary thrift store! Thank you to all of the donors, those who purchased some new-found treasures, and especially to the coordinators of the sale. We appreciate your hard work!

Lastly, I am grateful to see on the front of this bulletin that four of the open adoration hours were recently filled! That is a wonderful giving back to God of your time. When we talk about stewardship, it is not only about our treasure. It is a way of living, and being a good steward of one’s time includes a recognition that it ALL belongs to God! There are 168 hours in a week. Deciding to take one hour of Eucharistic adoration is basically offering back to God less than one percent of your total time (0.6%) for the week. It may not seem like a lot, but it is important time for our prayer life. Thank you for your stewardship of time! Only ten more open hours to go.

God bless you,


Fr. Timmerman

Letter from Fr. Timmerman – July 10, 2022

Dear Parishioners,

One of the things that I love about Holy Spirit Parish is our Perpetual Adoration Program. You cannot fully grasp all of the varied graces that can come from an apostolate that is dedicated to adoring and worshipping our Lord Jesus 24-7. From a spiritual perspective, I can think of only a few other things that can bear as much fruit as the dedicated commitment “to pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess. 5:17) God is not outdone in His generosity, and that is why is it so important that we continue to be generous to Him. “Could you not watch one hour with me?” (Mark 14:34) God will continue to bless our parish and parishioners in both visible and invisible ways as we strive to stay always faithful to Him.

We currently have about 14 open hours in the schedule. We need to get those filled up with permanent adorers, so that we can truly be a “perpetual” adoration offering to the Lord. I realize that some of the open hours are difficult hours in the early morning, but those particular times are truly filled with many more graces than other hours because of the greater sacrifice entailed. Jesus knows how hard it is for you to crawl out of bed, get dressed, and drive over to church, sometimes when it is freezing cold and snowing! How heavy those bed covers can be when it feels like they are holding you down by themselves! However, your saying “Yes” to Christ, to keep watch with Him for at least one hour, is a grace-filled way of making reparation to His Sacred Heart that has been bruised by the offenses of mankind. Think of how His Sacred Heart was wounded by the tired indifference of His apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane. Perpetual Adoration during the middle of the night is the perfect way of doing what the Apostles did not do, and loving our Lord when His Sacred Heart was insulted.

I recently signed up for the midnight hour on Wednesday morning. I figured that I could not ask you to take a hard hour if I myself was not taking one. Would you please consider taking one of the open hours that are listed here in the bulletin? Of course, anyone and everyone is welcome, but I think that we really need the men of our parish that do not currently have an hour sign up for one of the early hours.

Two main reasons for that. First, men are called by God to be the spiritual leaders of their family. Husbands and fathers exercise the priesthood of their domestic church at home, and are called and tasked by God to lead their wives and children in virtue and holiness. Women have important roles as well in the church and home, but God calls men to be the leaders in faith. Secondly, it is better and more prudent to have men out and about in the early hours of the morning, God forbid something nefarious would happen. Either outside church or anywhere else. In general, they are more disposed to defending themselves, others, and even the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel if something like that should occur.

Thank you men of Holy Spirit, for prayerfully considering taking one of our open hours.

God bless you,


Fr. Timmerman, Pastor





Annual Spring Dinner Raises $111, 693


Thank you to everyone who played a part to make the 2022 Spring Dinner/Auction, “Puttin’ on the Ritz” a success! The Spring Dinner committee is excited to share that this year’s event raised a total of $111,693, with $30,185 to support the church’s special project to build new confessionals. The Spring Dinner event is the parish and school’s largest annual fundraiser, and general proceeds are used to balance the school’s budget. We are truly blessed by the generous spirit and stewardship of all those who have given so much of themselves to the success of our church and school.